Brain Gym

What is “BRAIN GYM”?

The phrase BRAIN GYM usually modifies a noun. Whether used by itself or as a modifying phrase, it describes a specific set of movements, processes, programs, materials, and educational philosophy. It is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation (Brain Gym® International) in Ventura, California, USA. Below is a list of its most common usages:

Brain Gym® International is the nonprofit organization committed to the principle that intentional movement is the door to optimal living and learning. Its mission is to support self-awareness and ease of living and learning through safe, simple, and effective movement. The organization was founded in 1987 under the name of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation and in 2000 began doing business as Brain Gym® International. The Brain Gym® work is being used in over 87 countries and has been translated into more than 40 languages.

Brain Gym® movements, exercises, or activities refer to the original 26 Brain Gym movements, sometimes abbreviated as the 26. These activities recall the movements naturally done during the first years of life when learning to coordinate the eyes, ears, hands, and whole body. The twenty-six activities, along with a program for “learning through movement” were developed by educator and reading specialist Paul E. Dennison and his wife and colleague, Gail E. Dennison who say that the interdependence of movement, cognition, and applied learning is the basis of their work. Clients, teachers, and students have been reporting for over 20 years on the effectiveness of these simple activities. Even though it is not clear yet “why” these movements work so well, they often bring about dramatic improvements in areas such as:

  • Concentration and Focus
  • Memory
  • Academics: reading, writing, math, test taking
  • Physical coordination
  • Relationships
  • Self-responsibility
  • Organization skills
  • Attitude

Brain Gym® program or work encompasses the 26 movements, the processes/techniques, and the educational theory behind the work. The Brain Gym program, as an entity, references the:

  • Educational model of drawing out and honoring the individual
  • Value of goal setting and noticing
  • Importance of movement as it relates to optimal living and learning



What is Brain Gym? (2009, Nov 2). Retrieved from